Friday, May 1, 2009

Preparations for a Trip

Well, it is official.
On May 21st, I will be flying, yes..flying
down to Atlanta, GA then driving 2 and a half hours
to the town my son is in for his
High School Graduation.

Not adding in that just 5 days later, he will
be packing up to go to boot camp for the Army.

Originally, Wil and I were supposed to take
half our vacation to go together to see this
momentous occasion. But the Boss Man had
other ideas. So I go alone.

While in GA, I will be visited by my Mother,
and a friend, Daniel. We will be going in
together on the Hotel which will cut costs for all.

The graduation is on the 22nd..and I will be
returning to Chicago on the 23rd to be ready
for a 12 hour shift on the 24th.

I hope I still have it in me for all this traveling lol


Heff said...

Yo, sweetheart - I'll make sure and have the "Creme O' Heff" pool installed for your arrival, because I KNOW you're stopping by my place for carnal festivities. Donna will be oiled up and ready.....


Gina, do you prefer vegetable oil, or shortening ?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that be Danielle? Daniel would kind of hold a whole different meaning there, LOL.


Heff said...

Pack some Preparation H, 'cause flying's a PAIN IN THE ASS !

Gina said...

Which reminds me..when are you two comin back to Chicago??? Got room 13 alll ready for ya!

Heff said...

I'm gonna have to sell Donna for a night or two before we can afford it.....

Gina said...

Hell..If Wil is willing to sell me you can sell Donna to get up the scratch! lol