Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday's Sexy!!

Here we are, near
the end of the week once again.
And what shall we see on the Shed?

Something for the men..and a few women?
Can you see the butterfly?

Some more artistic nude women?
Bah I know ya'll just like lookin at her arse! lol

How about 10 points to the one who can find the fruit? lol

Have a great day!

Holding a lit candle to: Vandenberg - Burning Heart
via FoxyTunes

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bunch O`Nothing

Well here it is, Monday again.
I hate Mondays.
Just finished 2 12 hour shifts,
well more then that on Saturday.

After working 7 am to 7 pm,
the Commander took possession of the
Lovetell. Leaving me to wearily sit on the couch
and immerse myself in some mind numbing gaming
on UO or AOL.
The new night Housekeeper, we shall call
Lora, had arrived. But, as usual, especially lately,
she does not speak a lot of English. Which makes
communication difficult. She is new, so is so slow,
and we were in desperation for rooms. Especially
since it seemed the train passed and everyone
and their momma was coming in to enjoy a
leisurely few hours fornicating here! So to help,
Commander began doing laundry while I selfishly
sat my rump on the couch with my beloved lap top and
tried to ignore the bell going off and the phone ringing with
countless twits asking the stupidest questions.

After about an hour, I could not ignore it. Especially
knowing the Commander HATES to fold sheets. Not
adding in that he does not know the system for telling
the various stages of sheets for certain rooms.
I get up...walk out to the laundry room and there is the
Commander...looking at a HUGE pile of dry, unfolded sheets.
I take pity on him, thinking.."I will just fold these, and go back
to my mindless gaming."
4 hours later....
I am exhausted, sore, starved and PMSing.
Not a good combo..especially when I have another 12
hour shift to do in the morning.

But the laundry was done..Lora did a decent job
on the rooms. And the Commander was saved from
dealing with folding those detestable sheets. LOL.
And as an added bonus, the Commander
let me sleep in 2 and a half hours more.

Yes...he can be a good guy. No wonder I love him so.

Singing Poorly To: Blackmore's Night - Be Mine Tonight
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday's Brunch!!

And now for the ladies.
How can we get through our
week without feasting our
eyes on this delicious sight?
Or this?
Yes, I must say, these are fine
specimens of the male species.
I wonder do they cook and clean too?

Being Mellow To: Vandenberg - Burning Heart
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday's Sexy!!

Yes I am back!
Sorry I have not posted
anything in awhile.

But let's start this out right.

Saturday Sexy
Yes, it is for the men...
and for those women that
can appreciate a beautiful
female form

Yes I went the artistic route.
If I am going to have half nude women
on my page it will be artistic dang it!
Be Bopping Yo: Journey - Any Way You Want It
via FoxyTunes


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