*It is not you, It's me...*
2. If I gave you $10K to waste, what would you buy.
Clothes, a laptop, dishwasher,jewelry... lol the usual.
3. If I gave you $10K, but you had to spend it all on someone else, what would you buy.
I would get my hubby some new clothes and
probably a guitar he had mentioned wanting.
Perhaps get him a car...
Lotsa of electronic types of stuff lol
4. If your partner brought a double dildo to bed, you'd be ____________?
Shocked! lol
5. What sounds to you make during sex.
Moans, pants, mewls and all that female
whimpering type stuff lol
Bonus (as in optional): Tell your worst break up story.
A very very long story short...lol
I was with a guy we shall call *D* for a little over
7 years. I had finally had enough of him so told him
blatantly I was moving out. He did not believe me.
The day I was ready to go, he tried to stop me by
grabbing onto the car window. Freaked me out
something horrible. I mean this guy would show up
at my place all hours of the night, drunk. Screaming
and yelling. He would break into my apartment
to find out where I was. Harass my family and friends
to get some kind of information.
Needless to say..I am glad I never saw him again.
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Reminiscing To : Billy Joel - The Downeaster "Alexa"
via FoxyTunes