Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Truth or Dare!

What is one thing you want your lover to do?
It can be something a) he/she won't do b) hasn't ever done or
c) used to do but hasn't in a while.
And yes, we're talking about sex here,
not doing the dishes or mowing the grass..
or doing the dishes and/or mowing the
grass as foreplay... you get the idea.

Hmmm.. what do I want the Commander
to do......
Well..let's be totally honest here..
A good kiss...
(which he can do)
can make the knees weak and
the belly flutter.
But he does not do it enough.
So..yeah..the kissing thing is what I
would like him to do more.

Wanna play too? Click here --> T or D

"D.O.K."ing To: Divinyls - I Touch Myself
via FoxyTunes


The Covert Lover said...

Ah good answer! Nothing beats a good kiss. :)

Pluff said...

Great answer!! Thanks for playing!