1. What is the strangest thing you have ever inserted
or seen inserted (in a sexual manner) in person?
Unfortunately, I am quite boring when
it comes to sex. But I did see a picture once
of a woman with a baseball bat
inserted into her rear.
Gave me nightmares.

2. Have you ever had sex anyone whose name started with a J?
I dated a couple of guys, but they never scored

3. Have you ever been outside completely naked?
Skinny dipping, hells yeah

4. Do you prefer music, tv, or other noise in the background when you have sex?
I like music, romantic and slow, but the Commander
is too OCD to just have it playing in the
background. Throws off his rhythm.
5. Have you ever used ice for sexual purposes?
Oh yeah baby.

Bonus: Have you ever been propositioned for group sex?
Once. And I am not going to
go into further detail here.
Basically just know I refused the offer
even though it was tempting

If you would like to play, go here TMI!
Listening To: Journey - Any Way You Want It
via FoxyTunes
or seen inserted (in a sexual manner) in person?
Unfortunately, I am quite boring when
it comes to sex. But I did see a picture once
of a woman with a baseball bat
inserted into her rear.
Gave me nightmares.

2. Have you ever had sex anyone whose name started with a J?
I dated a couple of guys, but they never scored

3. Have you ever been outside completely naked?
Skinny dipping, hells yeah

4. Do you prefer music, tv, or other noise in the background when you have sex?
I like music, romantic and slow, but the Commander
is too OCD to just have it playing in the
background. Throws off his rhythm.
5. Have you ever used ice for sexual purposes?
Oh yeah baby.

Bonus: Have you ever been propositioned for group sex?
Once. And I am not going to
go into further detail here.
Basically just know I refused the offer
even though it was tempting

If you would like to play, go here TMI!
Listening To: Journey - Any Way You Want It
via FoxyTunes
Show me your 8 ball!
Great answers and I think I saw the same baseball bat pic...I still cringe at the thought....
I can just imagine the turmoil that ensues when a different song would come on...
You have a nice rhythm, and then you get sort of this techno-beat.... no, it could be a mess. :)
Wil - You always see my 8 Ball lol Show me yours!
Sweet - Yeah..something of that length and girth would have me running in the other direction LOL
Inconspicuous - Yes. You are in the rhythm..smooth..easy..then..Shocked still..ruining what could be the Big O! lol
Music throws off my rhythm too. As a musician and a singer, I pay WAY too much attention to the music and not nearly enough to what I'm doing. So I generally expect that All Electronic Devices Not Used Specifically For Pleasin' be turned off.
Ang - it drives the Commander insane cause I am not as OCD as he is and can listen to music or have it as background noise lol
Fun answers & pics. I was just reading a baseball bat story on another blog. Yikes. No thanks, I'll pass on that.
Happy TMI ; )
Fun answers...thanks for sharing them and the photos, which match so well...
Love your answers and what a vid.
GREAT ANSWERS ! Yeah, ok then.
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