1) Do you have/ever had any dating or sex superstitions? (Wear 'lucky jeans' on first date, always light a vanilla candle, etc.) If so, what are they?
Not exactly superstitions, but good luck articles.
Thinking stupidly if I wore a certain outfit
I would have a great time.
2) If you were stranded on the old deserted island, and a genie appeared who could only grant you one wish -- to bring one of the following people to join you, who would it be?
- your spouse/significant other
- an unrequited love or some person you've had a crush on
- an old/past love
- your best friend
I would have to say my spouse. He is my
best friend, my love and let's be honest,
if I had to be stuck on a deserted
island, I want someone around
that can make me laugh.
3) Tell us "weather or not" you're in the mood -- how does rain, snow, sleet, scorching heat, sweltering humidity etc. affect your libido.
Rain can be extremely romantic.
Snow to me is romantic as well. You know
the big fat flakes that makes everything
white and quiet.
Sleet is just nasty and makes me want
to hide and watch some DVDs.
Heat and Humidity makes me want to
sit in the refrigerator, forget touching
or being touched!
4) Are you a crying drunk, an angry drunk, a 'I'm drunk, let's screw' sort of a drinker? (And, if you do not drink -- which one of those things is the reason?)
I am a silly, let's have fun in the sack kind
of drunk. But I will admit
it has been a long time since I have
even gotten close to being tipsy lol
5) Who turns you on the most & why:
the activist
the author
the care-giver/healer (nurse, doctor, masseuse, herbalist, chiropractor etc.)
the comedian
the educator (professor, teacher, mentor etc.)
the model
the musician
the politician
the scientist
Well, I read this question and had
to think about it. It is not a person's
profession that turns me on. In
fact it does nothing to get the
juices flowing.
But I will
say this..I have dated 3 drummers
and married a guitar player..
So..I guess musician? lol
Bonus (as in optional): Looking back, what's the one thing you've done which was supposed to be erotic, but didn't quite work out?
Ok this is a little embarrassing...
I was dating this guy, David for
about 2 years and he wanted to
experiment with food. I was young and
though a little hesitant, agreed.
He got all kinds of things..
Whipped cream
chocolate syrup
Yeah he had a theme going lol
Well..long story short..
I broke out in hives from the
strawberries I am allergic to
and he got a stomach ache from
too much chocolate syrup lol
Reminiscing to: The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever
via FoxyTunes
Not exactly superstitions, but good luck articles.
Thinking stupidly if I wore a certain outfit
I would have a great time.
2) If you were stranded on the old deserted island, and a genie appeared who could only grant you one wish -- to bring one of the following people to join you, who would it be?
- your spouse/significant other
- an unrequited love or some person you've had a crush on
- an old/past love
- your best friend
I would have to say my spouse. He is my
best friend, my love and let's be honest,
if I had to be stuck on a deserted
island, I want someone around
that can make me laugh.

3) Tell us "weather or not" you're in the mood -- how does rain, snow, sleet, scorching heat, sweltering humidity etc. affect your libido.

the big fat flakes that makes everything
white and quiet.

to hide and watch some DVDs.

sit in the refrigerator, forget touching
or being touched!
4) Are you a crying drunk, an angry drunk, a 'I'm drunk, let's screw' sort of a drinker? (And, if you do not drink -- which one of those things is the reason?)
I am a silly, let's have fun in the sack kind
of drunk. But I will admit
it has been a long time since I have
even gotten close to being tipsy lol

5) Who turns you on the most & why:
the activist
the author
the care-giver/healer (nurse, doctor, masseuse, herbalist, chiropractor etc.)
the comedian
the educator (professor, teacher, mentor etc.)
the model
the musician
the politician
the scientist
Well, I read this question and had
to think about it. It is not a person's
profession that turns me on. In
fact it does nothing to get the
juices flowing.

say this..I have dated 3 drummers
and married a guitar player..
So..I guess musician? lol
Bonus (as in optional): Looking back, what's the one thing you've done which was supposed to be erotic, but didn't quite work out?
Ok this is a little embarrassing...
I was dating this guy, David for
about 2 years and he wanted to
experiment with food. I was young and
though a little hesitant, agreed.
He got all kinds of things..
Whipped cream
chocolate syrup

Yeah he had a theme going lol
Well..long story short..
I broke out in hives from the
strawberries I am allergic to
and he got a stomach ache from
too much chocolate syrup lol
Reminiscing to: The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever
via FoxyTunes
Allergies, ugh. That'll ruin any good time. :(
Happy TMI!
Heff's answers :
1) Do you have/ever had any dating or sex superstitions? (Wear 'lucky jeans' on first date, always light a vanilla candle, etc.) If so, what are they?
* Lucky Thong, You can't go wrong.
2) If you were stranded on the old deserted island, and a genie appeared who could only grant you one wish -- to bring one of the following people to join you, who would it be?
- your spouse/significant other
- an unrequited love or some person you've had a crush on
- an old/past love
- your best friend
* My current blonde would do just fine -
3) Tell us "weather or not" you're in the mood -- how does rain, snow, sleet, scorching heat, sweltering humidity etc. affect your libido.
* Horrible weather seems to do it for me. Scorching heat will melt a Heffer.
4) Are you a crying drunk, an angry drunk, a 'I'm drunk, let's screw' sort of a drinker? (And, if you do not drink -- which one of those things is the reason?)
* Heff is a happy drunk. That pretty much says it all.
5) Who turns you on the most & why:
the activist
the author
the care-giver/healer (nurse, doctor, masseuse, herbalist, chiropractor etc.)
the comedian
the educator (professor, teacher, mentor etc.)
the model
the musician
the politician
the scientist
* You left out "the nympho", my personal fav.
Bonus (as in optional): Looking back, what's the one thing you've done which was supposed to be erotic, but didn't quite work out?
* Well, I suppose the surprise film crew was a bad idea.....
LMFAO Heff Put the answers on your page!! lolol
Great answers. Happy TMI!
Your bonus is hilarious... well... from far...;-))
Happy TMI!
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