I have been a part of this Blog thing for a short time now. And in this short time I have read other people's blogs, some I have gotten to know reallllly well. Through their pics and through their posts. My husband has been doing his blog now for over 3 years and one things drives him. To get more people to look and comment on his posts that I have to tell you all, he works damn hard to get posted. For years I wondered what was the attraction to posting such things? Why is it needed to post your life's story for the world to see? Look at Jerry, Phil, and all these other talk show hosts. One actually keeps heavy objects off his stage to prevent people from killing one another, but allows them to go at it with their fists. All for ratings. All to draw in the mindless public to watch this senseless crap. Truthfully, do we care if someone has a kid and does not know who the daddy is? Do we truly give a rat's a$$ if a guy cheated on his girl? Unless it is our men, or women ~whichever the case may be~ cheating, lying or doing something underhanded, why do we watch other's misery? Does it really make us feel better about our lives? Does it give us a sense of peace knowing our lives are not so Fu*ked up?
I know how messed up my life is. I know what my shortcomings are. Why should I air my dirty laundry so to speak for the world to read, analyze and comment on? Are we a generation truly looking for approval from anywhere and anyone? I know what I missed out on life. I know what opportunities I passed. Why should I tell the masses? Does anyone really give two sh*ts? Is there really anyone out there reading these blogs, and decides "Oh, look at this poor soul! I will do what I can to help him/her?!" No. There is no rich person out there reading blogs, looking to give away money to help some poor schmuck sitting behind a puter and posting his life story for all to see. There is no therapist, or doctor reading about some poor mother with her sick child/husband/etc and is willing to waive a huge payment to perform surgery or give some life saving medical aid.
Even I, who enjoys the role play games through AOL am guilty of this. Is there something lacking in our lives that sends us in droves to this mechanical box, sending information about ourselves shooting though the wires and cables that connects us? I know what my life is lacking. And who cares? Besides my husband, my children, and once upon a time, my relatives. Who really gives a crap? Do my woes touch something in your heart or mind? Does a person I talk to in California really care what happens to me? I say they would feel a touch of something .. but .. then they turn off the computer and go back to their own lives. Unaffected, unbothered.
On one person's blog, I have read of her misfortunes with an idiot. And though I have been one of the many that commented and offered support through words, what did she really get out of my attempt to use words to make her feel better? A smile for a few minutes before reality crashed in around her ears again? Maybe so.
And, what of these men and women that come online with the sole purpose of looking for a person to have sex with? How many of these men and women are married already and instead of putting energy into their lives, sit on the puter, hour after hour, typing, posting and e-mailing back and forth? Is it truly worth the pain and suffering caused just to get your rocks off? Not mentioning the possibilities of STDs and pregnancy. How can you really trust what you see on a screen? How can you believe the person you are e-mailing, or talking to in IMs is telling you the truth? When has it become alright to believe what a person says in an e-mail and not the people you deal with day in and day out?
Hmm..well I think I have rambled on long enough. I think I have given enough food for thought here. And just to make it legal, since it is supposed to be Sunday's Sexy....

I do not know his name but Dayyyummm!!
Hearing: 3 Doors Down - Loser
via FoxyTunes