I am a VERY proud mother.
Over the past few days I have faced flying,
driving LONG hours in a crappy Kia,
sleeping in a Hotel beside my mother and other
mini annoyances.
All to witness the end of an era.
My only son, Robert has graduated High School.

Leaving Thursday morning, Wil took me to meet
the shuttle bus that would take me to
Midway airport. We got there in plenty time so there
was no rushing around for once. The bus showed
up on time and soon enough I was settled in a
comfortable seat and waving to Wil through the
window as the bus headed away.
Arriving at the airport, I hefted my heavy bag
and headed to the AirTran check in counter & got
my boarding pass. Then it was time to head to security.
Removing shoes and laptop, I walked through & my bag
was flagged. Yep! I did remember not to bring
shampoo or conditioner or any other personal hygiene bottle
but forgot the Nyquil bottle. So..they had to test the contents
to be sure it was not some kind of explosive.
That was done quickly with a few quips exchanged
between the Security personnel and myself.
Sneakers donned, Nyquil returned to the bag, I
headed to the LAST gate!! Damn it, why is it EVERY
time I fly...my gate is always the furthest one??
After a short wait, we board the plane.
I HAD ordered a window seat. I got an aisle seat.
So when the cart came passed, I would get my elbow
clocked. Super.
Take off, landing. All went without a hitch.
Atlanta Airport.....
This place is HUGE!!
It even has it's own train system!
Needless to say I was misdirected three times before
I was put on the right track. Budget was located
and a shuttle took me right to their rental offices.
After some talk and such, I discovered I was NOT going
to get the cobalt I was SUPPOSED to get.. but a crappy
PT Cruiser instead.I refused it..so was given an even
crappier Kia.
No power windows..No power mirrors
and worse
Yes..I was to drive the 3 and a half hours to
Statesboro without the luxury of cruise control.
The only good thing was the CD player lol
Long story short, I made it to Stateboro.
My mother made it to the Hotel before me,
which means she did not know what I had already ordered
and they gave her a MUCH smaller room without
a couch. Which meant sharing a full size bed.
I got to see my son and yes my daughter.
Mom and I got together and got Robert prepped
for his graduation
He has grown up.
Become a man.

I am so very proud.
More to come!
Over the past few days I have faced flying,
driving LONG hours in a crappy Kia,
sleeping in a Hotel beside my mother and other
mini annoyances.
All to witness the end of an era.
My only son, Robert has graduated High School.
Leaving Thursday morning, Wil took me to meet
the shuttle bus that would take me to
Midway airport. We got there in plenty time so there
was no rushing around for once. The bus showed
up on time and soon enough I was settled in a
comfortable seat and waving to Wil through the
window as the bus headed away.
Arriving at the airport, I hefted my heavy bag
and headed to the AirTran check in counter & got
my boarding pass. Then it was time to head to security.
Removing shoes and laptop, I walked through & my bag
was flagged. Yep! I did remember not to bring
shampoo or conditioner or any other personal hygiene bottle
but forgot the Nyquil bottle. So..they had to test the contents
to be sure it was not some kind of explosive.
That was done quickly with a few quips exchanged
between the Security personnel and myself.
Sneakers donned, Nyquil returned to the bag, I
headed to the LAST gate!! Damn it, why is it EVERY
time I fly...my gate is always the furthest one??
After a short wait, we board the plane.
I HAD ordered a window seat. I got an aisle seat.
So when the cart came passed, I would get my elbow
clocked. Super.
Take off, landing. All went without a hitch.
Atlanta Airport.....
This place is HUGE!!
It even has it's own train system!
Needless to say I was misdirected three times before
I was put on the right track. Budget was located
and a shuttle took me right to their rental offices.
After some talk and such, I discovered I was NOT going
to get the cobalt I was SUPPOSED to get.. but a crappy
PT Cruiser instead.I refused it..so was given an even
crappier Kia.
No power windows..No power mirrors
and worse
Yes..I was to drive the 3 and a half hours to
Statesboro without the luxury of cruise control.
The only good thing was the CD player lol
Long story short, I made it to Stateboro.
My mother made it to the Hotel before me,
which means she did not know what I had already ordered
and they gave her a MUCH smaller room without
a couch. Which meant sharing a full size bed.
I got to see my son and yes my daughter.
Mom and I got together and got Robert prepped
for his graduation
He has grown up.
Become a man.
I am so very proud.
More to come!
Glad you had a good time, LOL
Wil Harrison.com
"crappy PT Cruiser" Hey, GodDamnit !!!
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